5 pages) Kendi and Critical Race Theory: Using language from They Say I Say, ana

5 pages) Kendi and Critical Race Theory: Using language from They Say I Say, analyze Kendi’s (2019) view of antiracism. Kendi (2019) believes that we can defy the odds, heal society of racism, and create an antiracist society. Do you? Why is hope so central to the antiracist movement? Construct a clear and coherent argument connecting Kendi’s ideas with the tenets of Critical Race Theory. Include one or two quotes from Delgado and Stefancic (2017) and one or two quotes from Kendi (2019) to illustrate your argument. Paraphrase or quote ideas from at least three additional relevant scholarly sources to support your argument.
Note: Utilize the O’Grady Library Research Guides online here and/or contact a reference librarian (Kael Moffat) for help with finding scholarly sources.

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