Discussion Review global health data by country. It is reasonable to expect that

Review global health data by country. It is reasonable to expect that developed countries would have better health outcomes than less developed countries; however, this is not always true. One just needs to look at maternal death rates to see that the US ranks higher in this category than many less developed countries. You will see the US did not make this list—does that surprise or concern you?
Global health data
Healthiest Countries 2023
Health and health systems ranking of countries worldwide in 2023, by health index score
Maternal health data
Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2020
The Worsening U.S. Maternal Health Crisis in Three Graphs
There are many similar factors that exist in healthier countries, yet the results reflect differences in health quality. The World Population Review (WPR) site provides a ranking of the top 25 healthiest countries. The rankings were established based on 1) health risks (tobacco use, high blood pressure, obesity), 2) availability of clean water, 3) average life expectancy, 4) malnutrition, and 5) causes of death.
For this week’s discussion, select one pair of countries from the list below:
Australia/United Kingdom
Singapore/South Korea
Provide a brief summary of the findings from each country you reviewed including the healthcare structure, meaning how is healthcare financed and provided in each country. Where were there similarities between the two countries? Where were there differences? What findings stood out to you, and why? What findings from these countries could benefit the health of Americans?

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