General Instructions (for all assignments) The assignment needs to be 2 page

General Instructions (for all assignments)
The assignment needs to be 2 pages, not including the “References” page.
Use the attached student sample below. You can download it, and use the formatting.

Use Word (docx).
At the top of the first page, type the title of the assignment, M1: Assignment. Do not include any other information. (We use a modified APA style for formatting assignments; do not include a title page nor an abstract.) 
The document needs to be double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Remove the paragraph spacing.
The font needs to be Times New Roman, font size 12 point.
Include each question number, as a subtitle, followed by each answer.

If you are using information that is not your own, you must use an in-text citation within the sentence. This is true even if you are using information from the textbook(s). If you have the Little Seagull Handbook from FYS-1010, refer to APA Style on p. 201. If you do not, use the OWL website at OWL, APA Style.
The last page is titled, References. You need to include APA reference citations for all your in-text citations. Again, refer to the Little Seagull Handbook or OWL website.
Remember to run a full spelling and grammar check.
Refer to the grading rubric with associated points.
Submit your Word file to the correct assignment dropbox.
Instructions for M5: Assignment
The Sackett case is an example of the interplay of the different branches of government. Read the following:
The SCOTUSblog, Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency
The article by Amy Howe, Supreme Court Curtails Clean Water Act
The Oyez article, Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency
The statement,  EPA Statement on Sackett v. EPA. 
Answer the following questions. 
(Remember that the assignments are not about personal opinions; instead, we are critically examining the viewpoints based on the context of the time – historically, political, social/cultural – not based on our modern views.)
Question 1: What are the facts of the Sackett’s case? Why did they sue?
Question 2: How is the federal legislative branch involved?
Question 3: How is the federal executive branch involved?
Question 4: How is the federal executive agency involved?
Question 5: What did the Supreme Court of the United States decide?
Question 6: How does this assignment relate to Module 6 (Chapters 14 and 15)? What did you learn? Be specific and refer to the textbook.

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