Step 1 – Choose a real-world business processLinks to an external site.. This ca

Step 1 – Choose a real-world business processLinks to an external site.. This can be from an existing business, one you’ve worked at, or even a hypothetical one. Write a brief narrative on a Microsoft Word document (5-8 sentences) which details:
The main goal or objective of the process.
Key participants or roles involved.
Current technologies in use.
Purpose and outcome of the process.
Step 2 – Visualize the process:
Ensure you watch the provided step-by-step tutorial video on Lucidchart swimlane diagram creation before you start – video on how to use Lucidchart (requires FIU Sign-In)Links to an external site.. This will help you effectively capture the intricacies of the process.You cannot use the same example from the video of the ice cream shop. It needs to be different.
Use Lucidchart to graphically represent your chosen business process as a swimlane diagramYour swimlane diagram must have at minimum:6-10 process steps
At least 1 decision diamond
Use of a terminator symbol to indicate the start and end of the process.
Note: you can exceed the minimum requirements, but please do not exceed 25 process steps.
Step 3 – Enhance the Process with Technology:
Identify potential inefficiencies or opportunities for improvement in the existing process. State what this inefficiency or opportunity for improvement is on a Microsoft Word document (3-4 sentences).
Create a duplicate of your initial swimlane diagram in Lucidchart. On this duplicate diagram, integrate at least one technological solution that addresses a specific inefficiency or opportunity for improvement which augments the process.Your updated swimlane diagram may or may not have less steps now that technology has enabled additional efficiencies.
It still should use a terminator symbol to indicate the start and end of the process.
At least one decision diamond should still be present, unless your technology augmentation leads to its removal. If that is the case, make a note explaining why on your Lucidchart diagram.
You should still have at least 6 process steps unless your technology augmentation leads to there being less than 6 process steps total. If that is the case, make a note explaining why on your Lucidchart diagram.
Step 4 – Justify the Technological Enhancement:Elaborate on your proposed technological enhancement. In a detailed explanation on a Microsoft Word document (6-10 sentences), highlight:
How the chosen technology improves the process.
The specific technology you’ve opted for (e.g., a software, application, hardware).
A relevant reference or source that provides information about this technology, ensuring its applicability and feasibility.
What is it that I need to submit?
A Word document that includes responses to the following written components:Step 1
Step 3 – Section 1
Step 4
A PDF of your “As-Is” process (the one without the technology enhancement)
A PDF of your “To-Be” process (the one with the technology enhancement)

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