Essay Title: Learners with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities **Note: This

Essay Title: Learners with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
**Note: This category was previously known as Mental Retardation in the IDEA law.
Distinguish between intelligence and adaptive behavior. Give examples of tasks that are representative of each. What are some common testing accommodations for students with intellectual disabilities that you could use in your classroom? (I teach 6th grade, English).

I’ve uploaded Chapter 5 PowerPoint slides for this assignment and I’ve also uploaded the grading rubric and other information from the chapter that can help. The rubric will show you what is suppose to go in the essay. The essay has to be at least 2 full pages with 3 sources cited only 3 times a piece within the essay. The textbook will be counted as one of the sources: Hallahan, D.P., Pullen, P.C., Kauffman, J.M. (2023). Exceptional learners: An introduction to special education (15th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-10: 0-13-752035-2
Provide specific examples from your textbook of strategies that can be used in classrooms to meet the needs of students with intellectual/developmental disabilities.

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