You will write about a topic of your choice relating to new media and culture. Y

You will write about a topic of your choice relating to new media and culture. You can write about a topic we have discussed in class or you can choose a new topic (related to the concepts in the course). Examples of topics (you are NOT limited to this list):
Viral Tik Tok dances and children
Screen time for young children
Teaching with new media (any grade level)
Parenting and new media
Teaching media literacy to kids
New media and news – creating our own silos and echo chambers
Ethics of new media: Research Before Reposting
New media and healthcare (spreading good and bad information)
The sky is the limit! If you can relate it to your career or life, that would be fantastic! Make it interesting and have some fun!
In your paper, sure to include specific media “artifacts” (e.g., video, screen shot of posts/tweets/etc., newspaper article, etc.) to use as an anchor for your argument and a central point of your analysis.
The essay should be 5-7 pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman.
Cover page is optional, but will not count toward the 5-7 pages.

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