Module 05: Cybersecurity and Risk Management – Discussion Read the attached sli

Module 05: Cybersecurity and Risk Management – Discussion
Read the attached slides and sources below, then respond to the below questions.
Altuntas, M., Berry-Stölzle, T. R., & Hoyt, R. E. (2020). Enterprise Risk Management Adoption and Managerial Incentives. Journal of Insurance Issues, 43(2), 1–42.
Attaallah, A., Algarni, A., & Khan, R. A. (2021). Managing security risks for improving security durability of institutional web-applications: Design perspective. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 66(2), 1849–1865.
Buell Hirsch, P. (2021). Building a new resilience. Journal of Business Strategy, 42(2), 143–146.
Discuss the current state of cybercrime and how this concerns you as a business manag
Discuss why frameworks, standards, and models are an essential part of a business manager’s cybersecurity program. Can these keep an organization safe?
Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your slides and given sources. Cite your slide and given sources, and cite any other sources if appropriate. (It’s necessary to use more academic sources, not only the given sources)
Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.
The plagiarism must not exceed 5%. Otherwise, the paper cannot be accepted.
Content: Must demonstrate excellent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories relevant to the topic.
Writing: Writing is well organized, clear, concise, and focused; no errors.
Support: Discussion post(s) exceed expectations regarding support provided and extend the discussion.

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