For this Module 3 related discussion, do the following: 1. After learning about

For this Module 3 related discussion, do the following:
1. After learning about invasive species in Module 3, go to this website: http://www.invasive.orgLinks to an external site.
2. Links to an external site.Search the website for an example of an invasive species that is of particular interest to you (click on one of the categories – plants, insects, pathogens, other species) and prepare a summary of this species and its ecological impacts. Feel free to reference other sources, but this website is a good starting point. Points to consider:
o Include a brief description of your chosen species
o Describe where the species in native to, and where it has been introduced
o Describe specific ecological impacts
o Describe specific economic impact
o Describe, if relevant, efforts to manage or eradicate your species
o BEFORE posting, review the discussion board and be sure that no one has posted on your chosen species. Each discussion thread should contribute a unique species (points deducted for repeats!)
4. For full credit: Comment on one of your peer’s posts – ask a question or add an additional tidbit of information (make sure to go back and check your original post to address any questions/comments!). This should be a substantial comment (brief posts such as, “Cool example, I agree!” or “Wow, nice job!” do not count)

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