**Marketing Question:** Imagine you are the marketing manager for a small, local

**Marketing Question:**
Imagine you are the marketing manager for a small, local bakery specializing in artisanal bread and pastries. The bakery has been in business for several years and has a loyal customer base, but now you are tasked with expanding its customer reach and increasing sales. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan outlining your strategies and tactics to achieve these objectives, taking into consideration the unique challenges and opportunities that come with marketing a local, food-focused business.
*Criteria for Assessment*
1. **Market Analysis (25 points):**
– Did the student conduct a thorough analysis of the local market, including customer demographics and preferences?
– Were market trends and potential opportunities identified?
2. **Product and Service Strategy (20 points):**
– Did the student outline a clear product and service strategy that aligns with the bakery’s brand and target audience?
– Were suggestions for potential new offerings or improvements discussed?
3. **Marketing Mix (20 points):**
– Did the student provide a well-thought-out marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) tailored to the local bakery?
– Were specific tactics and channels mentioned for each element of the marketing mix?
4. **Customer Engagement (15 points):**
– Were strategies for engaging with the local community and building customer loyalty addressed?
– Did the student discuss potential events, promotions, or customer retention initiatives?
5. **Online Presence and Social Media (10 points):**
– Were recommendations for improving the bakery’s online presence and social media engagement included?
– Did the student suggest ways to leverage digital marketing for a local business?
6. **Budget and Resource Allocation (10 points):**
– Did the student discuss budget considerations and the allocation of resources for the marketing plan?
– Was the allocation of resources justified and realistic for a small bakery?
7. **Measurable Objectives (10 points):**
– Were clear and measurable marketing objectives presented?
– Did these objectives align with the overall strategy and target market?
8. **Creativity and Innovation (10 points):**
– Did the student demonstrate creativity in their marketing strategy?
– Were innovative approaches or ideas included to stand out in the local market?
9. **Clarity and Organization (10 points):**
– Was the response well-structured and organized?
– Were ideas and concepts presented clearly and coherently?
10. **Grammar and Presentation (10 points):**
– Were there minimal grammar and spelling errors?
– Was the document visually appealing and easy to read?
**Total Points: 130**

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