For your assignments, your paper will not exceed 750 Words and will not be lower

For your assignments, your paper will not exceed 750 Words and will not be lower than 250 words. Your Paper should be double-spaced, 12pt font. Your assignment should incorporate a minimum of 2 assigned works (reading, audio/visual) discussing key arguments, themes, and concepts of the two readings. Try to make connections between the readings. Discuss any links be they similarities or differences in arguments.
< < < < To aid in this process I normally ask students to to interrogate the readings with a line of questions that bolster their response. < < < < 1. What was the general argument or point the author is making? < < < < 2. How does the author engage with the idea of African people’s Agency, politics, and their identity (race, gender, sexuality, and class)? How does the world in their context see them? < < < < 3. What major premises, themes, and concepts are being employed by the author? < < Link to Book: < < < for sources please use PDF link provided Thank You

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