“Before starting the assignment i will send whatever I did and the flyer for the

“Before starting the assignment i will send whatever I did and the flyer for the event.”
Think carefully and thoughtfully about the service-learning project you just completed. Based on your experience and reflection about it, write a 2-3 full paragraph (6-8 sentences each) response to each of the following questions.
1. What surprised you in working at (insert name of the nonprofit)? How was the experience different than what you expected prior to the experience?
2. What need in the community does this agency address? Do you see this as a low, medium or high priority need? Explain Why. How does that assessment influence your perception of your work at the agency?
3. What readings in your text do you associate with the service hours you just performed? Present and apply at least 2 frameworks or concepts in this analysis.
4. If you were doing this project as part of a corporate volunteer initiative, would you feel the same or different about the experience? Why or why not?
• Review the grading rubric to see the expectations for your question responses.
Formatting Instructions:
Prepare your assignment as a .doc or .docx document
Save your paper as: “Last Name_Journal 1”
State the actual question you are answering prior to your response as a sub-heading
Your paper should be in proper APA format, double spaced, size 12 font, Ariel or Times New Roman, with appropriate headers, cover page, and reference page.
Upload your Journal as an attachment to the assignment link in Canvas.

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