Use the Project Proposal template provided for your Project Proposal. The proposal will contain broad information about your project. It is expected that you may not know some information at this point, but the proposal needs to be as detailed as it can be at this early stage. As you gather more information, and you will include this in the Project Charter.
1. Descriiption: 2-3 paragraphs that provide a high-level details of the project.
2. Business Need: Provide a high-level justification on the purpose of the project
3. Objectives: List primary, milestone objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Assignable, Realistic, Timeline/Timeframe (S.M.A.R.T.). See Chapt. 2 for help on objectives.
4. Budget: You can use the table provided, OR create your own table for your expected project costs.
5. Stakeholders: Every project must include 1 project sponsor and 1 project manager. beyond that, come up with additional stakeholders that are special to your project, what their role is, and what they are responsible for (Project Coordinator, Budget Manager, General Contractor, Caterer…).
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