Essay (3 pages minimum of writing) —Using THREE points from the article and at

Essay (3 pages minimum of writing)
—Using THREE points from the article and at least ONE point from the chapter= 4 points
Read all of Chapter 4
Read essay: “Globalization and Its Discontents” by Herman E. Daly: (page 186)
Write paper/argument on this essay = 10 points.
The paper MUST be formatted properly dependent upon which format you use
Your name top left
Prof J Giddings
Title of the essay (do not use the title of the assignment; rather use a title that reflects your paper)
Argue: For/against Globalization; or. as you see on question #3 page 189, you could argue that globalization empowers the poor,
Or, not! You could argue that Globalization does NOT empower the poor.
Follow the Argument Formula
Argument Formula Outline-186.pdf
This paper should be at least 3 pages; Three full pages of writing at minimum
Add Works Cited at the end:
The information for Works Cited is at the bottom of the first page of the article (page 186)
Cite ALL borrowed ideas from the article E.g. MLA: (Daly 188)
APA: (Daly pg 188)
NO large indented quotes: you will lose points if you do this in a small paper
1-2 line quotes only

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