The purpose of this assignment is to extend and build the professional resources by drawing on learnings about Indigenous culture, history, education and perspectives. A portfolio is a demonstration of professional growth and improvement as a teacher as well as a useful place to store and curate ideas, examples and a place for reflection.
the purpose is to plan authentic learning experiences, putting into practice learnings and creating something that can be shared with future students to help them learn about Indigenous people and perspectives. You can use this portfolio to demonstrate that you have met the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students:
Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:
Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
Develop a portfolio based on the learning that supports your work as a graduate teacher. Your portfolio should comprise the following.
Two lesson plans using the template provided:
You must develop one plan for early childhood education and one plan for primary school using the Lesson plan template (attached) Lesson plan template (DOC 22 KB) document. Your lesson plans must reference the relevant national and/or state or territory curriculum and focus on the following(Picture 1 in the attachment)
You will prepare your assignment as a Word document, which must include:
1- Two lesson plans using the template provided.
2- A reference list in which you cite all sources of information you used for all components according to APA 7th edition referencing conventions. Your reference list must start on a new page. Do not use bullet or numbered points in your reference list, and ensure it is ordered alphabetically.
The first lesson plan is for an authentic learning experience for prior-to-school age children (800 words).
This plan must clearly focus on the concept of Identity and Culture.
The second lesson plan is for an authentic learning experience for primary school-age children (800 words).
This plan must clearly focus on the concepts of Respect and Reconciliation.
Again this is a broad theme but make sure your idea fits this concept.
You may pick any age group for this lesson plan. Make sure your ideas are age appropriate.
The key to good lesson plans it to use relevant high-quality resources. This could be in the form of a book, a YouTube clip, a game, art activity, creative writing exercise, watching a film and responding, a research/investigation project, or language immersion project, use your imagination and get creative, this is where we see all your learning coming together.
Remember to avoid tokenistic lesson plans, make sure your lessons are authentic and make use of local knowledge and content. For example, if you live in Melbourne it would be great to concentrate on local games/languages/books, it would not be recommended to learn languages from the NT.
There are many websites out there that have some ideas you can adapt and use. Here is some links to websites with excellent resources,
Make sure to add a photo of the resources you are using and add where you got the resource from.
Remember to also embed Indigenous ways of learning into your lesson. This means looking at the different ways in which Indigenous students learn and try to add in some of these techniques into your lesson plan. This could be a Yarning Circle or linking your learning to local country and place. Make sure to have a good look at the 8 ways framework for examples of different ways of presenting and engaging with learning materials and your students. Check this clip for more info:
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