Instructions: For this week’s submission, create a draft outline to support the

Instructions: For this week’s submission, create a draft outline to support the Action Plan that you will develop for your Course Project due next week. This Action Plan will address the problem you identified in week 3. This assignment is your opportunity to brainstorm, ask questions, and get feedback from your instructor.
The outline should be 1.5-2 pages in length in addition to the title and reference pages, and the outline can be in bullet or paragraph form. For this outline, develop a draft of summary content that describes or overviews:
The theoretical foundation connection to your Action Plan:
Kegan and Lahey’s theoretical model of Home, Edge, and Groove
Self-Determination Theory
Other theories you may have identified to help you explain your choice of intervention(s) to address your identified problem.
Your Action Plan
Overall goal of your plan (this will directly address the identified problem in your assessment report).
Two or three objectives to achieve the goal (e.g., what interventions will you implement to meet your goal that addresses your problem?).
Tentative steps to be taken to achieve objectives (implement interventions).
Outline challenges you might face.
Overview of evaluation steps (how will you know if your goal is met?).

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