Selecting the Two Articles: Select two (2) articles not identified in the course

Selecting the Two Articles:
Select two (2) articles not identified in the course materials to annotate.
The articles should be related to theories or constructs used to explain your OAR findings and support the interventions you will implement to address the problem (gap) that needs attention.
Look first for articles that might be specific to your context to help you explain what you see in practice. Interventions that support some aspect of learning and development which have been studied in a context similar to your context could be easily used to address the problem you have identified (i.e., the need for coaching; the need for leader development; etc.).
As you search for peer-reviewed articles, keep in mind the work you are doing to define the problem for your dissertation. Peer-reviewed articles you locate for this assignment might be of use to you on your dissertation journey. You may use the ACU Library Distance Learning PortalLinks to an external site. for your search.
Annotation Requirements:
When annotating the articles, follow the template linked above to create the required 4 sections for each article:
Reference Entry
Include article type, main arguments, methodology, and findings.
No personal opinion should be included.
For a popular press site article, follow these guidelines:
Note and explain the article’s strengths and limitations.
Is there research underlying the paper?
What conclusions are drawn?
How is credibility established by the authors?
Do the authors present contrasting viewpoints or does it seem that they only selected articles that support their viewpoints? Do you detect any author bias?
For a peer-reviewed article, follow the guidelines outlined on the template provided:
Explain the articles strengths, weaknesses, usefulness, reliability, bias and other pertinent information, if noted.
Show evidence of self-reflection
Discuss helpfulness of article in shaping research argument and the influence the article has on the research topic
Repeat the process until each of the two selected articles are annotated.
The Summary, Analysis, and Practical Application for each entry should total approximately 300-375 words.
This word limit forces you to summarize succinctly the main points of the article.

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