INSTRUCTIONS You may award up to FIVE points for each of your teammates, and you

You may award up to FIVE points for each of your teammates, and yourself, based on contribution to the Team Project (report and presentation). Use whole numbers only e.g., 0, 1, 2….
Consider contributions such as:
Analytical work — clear presentation and accurate computations
Written work –professional wording, easy to understand and properly formatted; error-free
Presentation work — creating slides, script and enthusiastic speaking during the presentation
Teamwork — collaborating well with others and assisting others as needed
Leadership — guiding and encouraging the team through all stages (forming, storming, norming and performing) toward a common goal
Use the following scale:
5 points = Outstanding contribution and leadership
4 points = Excellent contribution
3 points = Good contribution/Proficient
2 points = Poor contribution/Progressing
0 point = No contribution
– You must provide feedback on EVERY team member and a self-assessment of your contribution.
Example submission:
Team member #1: Joe Smith = 5; He did a great job with the cost analysis and wrote section III.
Team member #2: Jill Jones = 4; She did a good job as our main editor, attended all meetings but wrote just the intro and conclusion.
Team member #3: ME – John Doe = 3; I wasn’t able to attend most meetings but I did the literature review all by myself.
Note — your submission will be anonymous to your team members.
Your final score will be determined by your instructor based on your self-assessment, a consolidation of the peer feedback that you receive and your instructor’s assessment of your teamwork during this course.

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