This is the first step of the research process. Keep these steps in mind for thi

This is the first step of the research process. Keep these steps in mind for this assignment (the assignment prompt is after these steps): 1. Select a topic: The first thing you need to do is select a topic to write about. One of the themes found in either one of the short stories we read or from Fahrenheit 451 will be your starting point. Your topic has to be relevant to what we have read, discussed, and written about in this class thus far. 2. Preliminary research: Once you select a topic, look around the internet, do some preliminary research by using research methods you’re already familiar with such as Google. These will not be used for your references, but will give you a good idea as to what information will be available for you once you begin your formal research. 3. Narrow your topic: Once you have decided on a topic, narrow it down. Think about what specifically you want to know about your topic? Write down some key words or phrases to help you narrow your topic. 4. From topic to research question: Once you have settled on a topic and narrowed it down, you will have to create a research question. To evaluate your research question, ask: 1- Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my own thoughts and opinions? 2- Is the question clear and easy to understand? 3- Is the question easily and fully researchable within the time frame and scope of the assignment? 4- Does my question require an answer beyond a yes or no answer? Your question should leave room for analysis. 5- Is it too general? Is it too specific? Are you having a hard time finding sources (too narrow) or do you have too many sources to choose from (too broad)? You can broaden or 6- 6- narrow a question by adding or deleting context to your question; location, time, place etc. 6- Has the question already been answered by other researchers? It’s okay if it has as you will still be doing your own research and coming up with your own conclusion. Keep in mind that your research question will change as you do your research: just like the thesis statement changes as you revise. This is not only okay, it is expected. In other words, your original research question is a way to begin your research. ASSIGNMENT: Write a 600–750-word (double spaced) research proposal that identifies a reading from the course (one of the short stories or Fahrenheit 451, or a combination if the same theme was found in more than one reading) that will serve as a starting off point for the research proposal. Discuss what theme from the story or novel was interesting to you and why. I encouraged to use words, phrases, lines, and dialogue from the selected reading as part of this essay to help explain your points. Explain your personal interest in the topic with specific examples and explore possible research questions/options. The essay will conclude with what topic you want to do further research about. Since this paper is expressing your personal thoughts and interest in this topic, it is fine to write it in first person (I, me, my, we) if you choose.

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