Read through your Rhetorical Analysis Early Draft. On a separate MLA-formatted d

Read through your Rhetorical Analysis Early Draft. On a separate MLA-formatted document, write a peer review of your own paper in which you answer the following questions in complete sentences: Is the language in my paper clear and easy to understand? Is my paper coherent and properly structured? Is my paper concise, or is it too wordy? Is your paper concrete, or are there parts of it that are vague or general? Is the grammar, mechanics, and usage of words in your paper correct? Is the information in it accurate? Is the paper complete? Does it answer all questions someone could have about a topic? Is the paper courteous? Or is the language offensive or biased? Do not just rephrase the questions as “Yes, the language in this paper is clear and easy to understand.” Instead, give examples from the paper that are either positive examples of the seven Cs of good writing or examples of language you could improve in your paper. Then, use this review to write a final revision of your paper. You do not need to use a works cited or in-text citations on this assignment. Use perfect MLA format. Answer all seven questions in complete sentences. Being honest and evaluative in your feedback. Following the instructions in the notes. Rubric: MLA formatting – 25% Seven questions – 25% Honest and evaluative – 25% Document saved correctly and uploaded correctly – 25%

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