Can you help me Create a marketing plan ( with PPT and Script and Executive Summ

Can you help me Create a marketing plan ( with PPT and Script and Executive Summary)
Case and Rubric are in word doc.
Prepare a “script”, to make sure that you cover all of the detail requested, but the accompanying presentation deck should be visual and easy to follow.
PPT or PDF of the slides from your presentation.
Written Executive Summary, not to exceed two pages, highlighting your key recommendations and rationale. Think of this as a “leave behind” for the actual senior-level meeting. It can be single spaced, business format (with headings and bullet points), or written out with 1.5 spacing.
I already did it but I found out I didn’t base from the case study (I did not read the case), and (it obvious not detail at all) so I need you help me base from the case study, fix all of mine 3 documents (Script-PPT-Executive Summary) for more detail.

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