Pick a priority population(s) and health issue: You can research something you h

Pick a priority population(s) and health issue: You can research something you have done before or pick something entirely new. This may be a good opportunity to research your final project. Or mix it up and research something else that you are interested in. Remember, if you want to do a topic you have previously done, be careful to not self-plagiarize. Cite yourself if you need to First define a health issue and priority population. To do this decide on a population with at least one identity that you do not hold (e.g., if you identify as a white woman you might decide to look at posts from a Black man). You can define health issue loosely in this paper, in a perfect world if you are interested in lung cancer you will be able to find your population(s) of interest discussing this online. You may not be able to find this exactly but you might be able to find your population(s) of interest discussing health insurance, healthcare access, or even interactions with a provider. Though these are not perhaps your favorite health issues to focus on they will provide valuable insights about how your population(s) of interest access health. In other words, the population(s) are more important in this assignment than the specific health issue. Pick a social media platform and search for your topic. For example: I might be interested in how abortion and gender are discussed. I might pick twitter and search #abortion #Trans. (Please note, you will find people that are not helpful to advancing your story in these posts, while this assignment allows for unique perspectives. However, this is not a paper intended to replicate or perpetuate ideas of hatred, so be careful with searching online because you may pull up examples that can be quite triggering or hate filled.) Grab a screenshot of 1-5 posts you will be exploring. (Please note, it’s okay to have posts that use language we do not normally use in the classroom. It may be hard to find appropriate language. However, just because the post uses inappropriate language this does not mean your paper should.) Then complete the following chart. Bullet points are fine, or a few brief sentences. The last three rows should have deeper and likely longer answers. If you would rather not use the table and write this in narrative style that is fine. If you choose this option, please use some of the question language as headings/subheadings. You do not need to use any specific number of sources for this paper but you will need a source for each of the last 3 rows to fully answer the question. (Hint, these can be sources from class or even slides/discussion from class). Questions: What health issue did you explore? What priority population did you explore? What social media platform did you examine? What posts did you find? What social determinants of Health do these posts inadvertantly or explicitly cover? How do these compare to social determinants as you understand them at this point in the semester? What do these posts teach you about how social determinants are experienced by real people? How can public health inform practice by understanding dialogue from people on social media particularly in regards to people who have more intersecting targeted identities?

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