We learn as much from each other as we do from the texts that we read. Therefore

We learn as much from each other as we do from the texts that we read. Therefore, participation is the foundation to this course. For your weekly discussion posts, engaging thoroughly with the texts we read, summarizing their arguments, and responding thoughtfully is crucial to your success in the course. What did you like? What weren’t you vibing with? What did it encourage you to think about? How can we apply what we read to our everyday lives? These are all just suggestions as prompts but feel free to address them directly.
For full credit, I expect a 500-700 word summary of the articles, 200 or so words about your reflections of the readings, and two questions that came up for you during the readings. I encourage you be specific and thoughtful in your questions, as they will be useful for your final project.
Then, respond thoughtfully to at least two of your peers. “I agree” statements will not receive full credit, so I encourage you to engage with that in mind.
Specifically for this week, consider the following:
What does Audre Lorde say about difference? What does she mean by “the masters tools” and “the masters house”?
What does Anna Mollow in Unvictimizable: Toward a Fat Black Disability Studies offer on the intersections of race, disability, fatness, and violence? What can we learn from what Mollow offers?
Andrea Gibson offers a letter/poem/spoken word on their own reflection of racial privilege and asks: “Who are my people?” What do they mean by “1998 was the year only Matthew Shepherd died.”?
hooks writes that “Language is also a place of struggle”. What does this mean through a lens of Black feminist politics?

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