Write a 2-3 page paper (excluding title page and reference page) using at least

Write a 2-3 page paper (excluding title page and reference page) using at least 3 external sources. The sources can be from the background material in the modules, Touro library, or credible external links (NOT Wikipedia).
In your paper, you will write about one of the topics discussed in the previous modules and at least one hero or heroine associated with the topic. Example topics could be such as the following:
• Creation Mythology Example: Hero Twins of Mayan Mythology
• Judaism-Hero of your choice
• Christianity— Hero of your choice
Keep in mind the above are just example topics and you may have other topics to explore. Feel free to contact me if you need assistance.
Writing expectations:
• Good Sentence Structure
• Few Spelling & Grammar Errors
• Include an introduction and a conclusion in your paper.
• Double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
• Do your best to cite sources used within your paper (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjGyc40m3w0)
I will add touro sources since I’m having trouble signing in and need to communicate with the librarian

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