CASE ASSIGNMENT Pick any theory or philosopher from Modules 1-4. Write a two (2)

Pick any theory or philosopher from Modules 1-4. Write a two (2) to three (3) page paper using at least 2 sources from the Touro Library (See Library Research instructions on the Module 1 Lecture Homepage).
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the basic arguments of the theory or philosopher.
• Describe the importance of this theory or philosopher in the development of human knowledge and philosophical thought.
• Demonstrate the theory, or philosopher’s application of the theory, with real world examples or application. For example, how did the theory/philosopher contribute to what happened or is still happening in the world today?
I picked Aristotle as the philosopher
I would add the remaining 2 sources from touro library since I have some trouble logging in and would need to contact the university librarian

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