CORE102 Assessment 1 – Written Assignment (Essay) 40% QLD time Word Length: 1,50

CORE102 Assessment 1 – Written Assignment (Essay) 40%
QLD time
Word Length: 1,500 words (± 10%)
To complete this assessment, you are required to write an academic essay on the
topic of listening, or assertiveness. Specifically, you will:
1. Choose one of the following topics to write your essay on:
a. Describe the core aspects of active listening, and how this aid
b. Describe the various response styles (submission/passivity, aggression, and
assertiveness) and their effects on individuals and on their relationships.
• Each topic has two parts, please ensure that you respond to both parts.
• Please write in a formal academic format.
• A minimum of 6 Scholarly sources are required to support your essay. Please
use APA7 style.
• Please check the marking rubric for a guide on how to approach the assignment.
Please submit your assessment with the file name:
CORE102.1_SURNAME_First name

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