TEC 5333 -HOMEWORK 3-FALL 2023 Figure 5.1 has 8 statements that were given to U

TEC 5333 -HOMEWORK 3-FALL 2023
Figure 5.1 has 8 statements that were given to US citizens about the collection and control of their personal information. (2.5 points)What are the four main concerns about collection and use of private data the textbook identifies?
Use Figure 5.1 and the 8 statements in the figure to classify them within the FOUR main concerns.
Explain the PRIVACY PARADOX with an example you personally know. (2.5 points)
______ is a path or means by which a computer criminal can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a malicious outcome. (technical name) Cyber attack
Attack weakness
SQL injection
None of the above
Samuel a bank teller, received an email that looked like it came from his bank.The email told him to click a link that opened an official looking Webpage where he was asked to enter his account information.But when Samuel examined the URL, he noticed it was a strange address he did not recognize.Most likely, someone was attempting to steal Samuel’s confidential information using a technique called __________.Botnets
Click hijacking.
None of the above
F______ occur when cyber criminals insert themselves between two-parties in a transaction with the intention of stealing data.MitM
None of the above
Attacks ________ could significantly disrupt the functioning of government and business—and trigger cascading effects far beyond the targeted sector and physical location of the incident. (Best answer expected)
While security threats from e-mail viruses and malware have been declining for years as e-mail security has improved, threats from __________ have increased considerably in recent years.software errors
malicious employees
social networks and cloud computing
vendor sabotage
None of the above
In IT security terminology, an exploit is defined as ________:
None of the above
In IT security terminology, risk is defined as ________:Software or hardware device that probabilistically controls access to a private network from a public network (Internet) by analyzing data packets entering or exiting it.
Probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability and the resulting cost of the loss, damage, disruption or destruction risk is a function of threat, vulnerability and cost of impact.
The probabilityof an IS to continue to operate when a failure occurs, but usually for a limited time or at a reduced level.
A program (code) that allows attackers to automatically break into a system through a vulnerability with certain degree of success.
None of the above
In cybersecurity terms, the function of a password together with a username is to __________ a user’s identity to verify that the person has the right to access a computer or network.Hash
None of the above
Which of the following are cyber defense strategies? (explain the ones you chosetwo lines and provide the textbook page you found them) Containment
Which phase of the decision-making process incorporates identification of the problem or opportunity?Design
None of the above
_______ data analytics create a summary of historical data to yield useful information and possibly prepare the data for future more sophisticated analysis.Predictive
None of the above
Which stage of the decision science life cycle includes testing the model in the real-world production environment?Model data
Analyze data.
Capture data
Deploy data model.
None of the above
Which of these is the process of using software to analyze unstructured, semi-structured and structured data from various perspectives, categorize them, and derive correlations or patterns among fields in the data?Digital dashboard
Data mining
Data visualization
______ is the process of using BI to collect data from various databases and consolidate it into a single source that can be easily and instantly evaluated.Digital dashboard
Data discovery
Data visualization
“When employees know that their performance is tracked in near real time and can see their results, they tend to be motivated to improve their performance” refers to which of these interrelated benefits of business dashboards?Visibility
Continuous improvement
Single sign-on
Augmented analytics uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate data preparation, insight generation and insight explanation to augment how business managers and analysts explore, interpret and share data. TRUE
As a hint, the 5th statement in figure 5.1 “I have very little or no control over the data collected” belongs to what type of the four concern the textbook list?
The following 18 questions (multiple choice, Multiple select, TRUE or FALSE) are 2.5 points each one. (please follow the instructions precisely)
Choose the correct answer by HIGHLIGHTING AND BOLDING the correct choice (0.5 point)
IF the answer is none of the above PROVIDE THE CORRECT ANSWER and do C) and D)
Explain in Two to three lines the WHY, the WHO, the HOW etc., the reasoning of your choice, including why the other options do not fit!(1.5 Points)
Tell me the page and paragraph of the textbook where you found the answer (0.5 point) BE SPECIFIC! i.e., “PAGE 25, SECOND PARAGRAPH”
OR where the answer can be derived from (i.e., The explicit answer is not there but it can be inferred from a paragraph). REFERENCES TO POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS OR THE BOOK’s GLOSSARY WILL GIVE YOU ZERO credit for the QUESTION. ALSO, if YOU CONSISTENTLY (PROVIDE FAKE REFERENCES You WILL HAVE AN AUTOMATIC 25% DISCOUNT IN YOUR GRADE
(Google searches or web references will NOT be accepted. Although I encourage to explore then if you have time, but no credit will be given, this will be for your own learning)
On personal computers
On personal data in servers
On critical infrastructure
On industrial control systems
None of the above

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