Conclusions and Critical Reflection (approximately 1,000 words) Summarise the kn

Conclusions and Critical Reflection (approximately 1,000 words) Summarise the knowledge claims. What are the implications for future policy, practice, research or theory? How successful was your research? What are the limitations? This final chapter concludes the research by summarising the outcomes of the project and relating these to the original research question or problem. Recommendations for policy, practice and further research emerging from the project should be stated along with further theoretical issues that are raised. A critical reflection on the project and its processes is required. You should critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of the processes of what you did, including your methodological approach, and what you did and found. You should comment on what you learned about how you influenced the research, and you should comment on what the experience of the project was like, including how it has affected you personally and professionally, and what you have learned about being an educational researcher. Could you please write a conclusion similar in structujtxre to the example. Thank you

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