Come up with three story ideas and then a plan for develping those ideas. (Just

Come up with three story ideas and then a plan for develping those ideas. (Just to be clear, you are not actually writing the stories. You are coming up with a plan for writing them.) To do well on this assignment, consider these points: Use the three flyers attached to develop your ideas.
State your idea clearly and concisely.
Show how the idea is newsworthy.
Ask enough questions (two or three questions is NOT going to cut it).
Ask interesting questions.
Ask the expected questions as well as some of unusual ones (be creative).
Make sure you go to authoritative sources to get the answers.
Copy and paste the template below and fill it out, submitting it to Canvas
STORY IDEA 1: (state the story idea here)
What questions arise from this story idea?
How could I get those questions answered?
STORY IDEA 2: (state the story idea here)
What questions arise from this story idea?
How could I get those questions answered?
STORY IDEA 3: (state the story idea here)
What questions arise from this story idea?
How could I get those questions answered?

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