The research paper is a very important part of your grade and unfortunately most

The research paper is a very important part of your grade and unfortunately
most students perform poorly on this assignment. This is usually due to the
failure to follow directions and a general lack of attention to detail, along
with limited experience in conducting research and writing in an academic
style. It is CRUCIAL that you follow the information given if you wish
to achieve a good score on this assignment.
First, the focus of the paper needs to be related to the course so be sure to
write about music we will study that is interesting to you. Pick from the
music list below. Second, find an ethnomusicological theme that you can
analyze in the music. If you are able to make a connection between the
music and your major, that would be ideal. If not, take a look at the list
analysis topics and pick one that you would like to explore. Ideally, you
need to enjoy your topic so it has value to you in some way. Sometimes
writing on a topic you do not like will give you a new appreciation for it but
for many people, picking a less than enjoyable topic usually results in
frustration. Make your research a fun project rather than a chore!
REMEMBER: your research paper topic MUST connect to this course.

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