Final project: Psychological evaluation in practice (APA Extension: 10-12 pages)

Final project: Psychological evaluation in practice (APA Extension: 10-12 pages)
Assignment: For the final project, you will choose a specific psychological assessment tool (e.g., intelligence test, personality inventory) and comprehensively explore its application, administration, interpretation, and ethical considerations. Your project must include the following:
Introduction to the chosen evaluation tool, its history and purpose. A detailed description of the administration process, including any specific guidelines or protocols. An analysis of the types of results this assessment provides and how they are typically interpreted. A critical examination of the ethical considerations associated with the use of this assessment, including potential bias and equity concerns.
A case study or scenario in which you apply your chosen assessment tool in a professional context, discussing how you would manage, interpret and address ethical concerns.
A conclusion that summarizes the key takeaways from your project.
Make sure your project adheres to APA formatting and citation guidelines. Include a reference list that cites relevant academic sources to support your research and analysis.
Instructions for Submitting the Final Project
Visual Aids: Create a visually appealing presentation using software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides. Include relevant images, graphs, tables, and bullets to support your narrative.
Presentation content:
Mention the scenario or context in which you applied psychological evaluations.
Psychological Assessments:
Talk about the specific psychological assessments you chose for the case study.
Explain why you selected these evaluations and their relevance to the case.
Assessment Administration:
Describe how you administered the chosen assessments in the context of the case.
Highlight any specific guidelines or ethical considerations you followed.
Analysis and Interpretation of Results:
Present your findings based on the results of the evaluations.
Explain the importance of the results in the context of the case.
Use visuals if appropriate to illustrate key points.
Ethical Considerations:
Discuss the ethical challenges you encountered during the evaluation process.
Explain how you addressed these challenges and maintained ethical standards.
Recommendations or Decisions:
Share the recommendations or decisions you made based on the evaluation results.
Discuss the possible implications of these recommendations.
Conclusion and Lessons Learned:
Summarize the key findings of your project.
Reflect on what you have learned from this experience and how it relates to the course objectives.

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