Final Assignment Submission: AONE Competency Analysis Assignment Instructions: R

Final Assignment Submission: AONE Competency Analysis Assignment
Review again the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies. (PDF BELOW)
Introduction should include reasons for completing self-assessment, plus description of your professional experience and goals.
Complete a management self-assessment based on the five competencies.
Include examples from your professional practice to support your analysis; identify opportunities and strategies for improvement.
Conclusion should summarize analysis and include direction for future competency achievement.
Body of paper should be 4-6 pages, plus CONHI title page and references.
Reference list should include at least five (5) scholarly sources.
You have been preparing for this assessment through the materials in the previous modules, but now you will utilize what you have learned to submit your final work by 23:59 (CT) Saturday of Module 5.
Grading: For specific criteria and assignment points, please review the rubric.

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