The text goes into great detail about the 2008 financial crisis. Remember, what

The text goes into great detail about the 2008 financial crisis.
Remember, what makes “business” ethics so challenging is the difficulty of weighing various stakeholders’ values and preferences. “In the context of ethical decision making in business, we should identify the stakeholders affected by the decision and ask how they are affected. Again, try to make your thinking as broad as possible here. Some of the stakeholders affected by the decision may not even be born yet [or live outside of the US, etc.].”
Assume that you are making the decision whether or not to prosecute individual executives after an exhaustive investigation (i.e., your team has gathered the necessary facts). While there is evidence of illegal behavior, your ethical dilemma might be considered one of individual (each executive) vs. community (the company) or individual (each company) vs. community (the injured parties, government, etc.).
1. (1 point) Evaluate the stakeholders’ interests and potential consequences in light of prosecuting individual executives or fining the companies (of course, a combination of both or pursuing other options is feasible). Let’s assume we know what the individual executives and the boards of the corporate entities would prefer. Please identify one stakeholder, in addition to a) the justice department and b) financial markets.
The table that follows should help. Be careful to consider the long- vs. short-term consequences as well as the symbolic consequences.
Stakeholder Key Value(s) Prosecute
Individual Executives Fine
Corporate Entities
Justice department justice, costs
Financial markets stability, confidence
2. (.5 point) From a universalist perspective, which decision promotes the greater good? Justify your analysis (use sentences, do not just point to the table).
3. (.5 point) Prosecuting only one banker seems to violate Kant’s categorical imperative. What TWO biases or faulty thinking might have led to the decision to rely largely on corporate fines? BE SURE TO JUSTIFY YOUR THINKING.
PLEASE for each question, limit to to 1-2 paragraphs. I need a straight to the point. Please see the ATTACHED document

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