avigate to the MindTools platform and review the resources in the “Unit 6 & 7 (M

avigate to the MindTools platform and review the resources in the “Unit 6 & 7 (M4) Journal” playlist. Reflect on the following inquiries:
Develop a vision statement to define your career direction over the next 3, 5, and 10 years.
Develop a mission statement to operationalize your career vision.
Develop a values statement to support your career vision and mission.
Develop 3-, 5-, and 10-year career objectives using the SMART goal principle.
Be sure to:
Write a minimum of 250 words.
Use a minimum of one research resource (MindTools or Library materials).
Apply proper APA style citation and reference format.
Use headings to segment the topics in your writing in order to create a flow of ideas for your reader.
Write in first person.

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