This is a short yet challenging 3-page paper assignment which analyzes the Japan

This is a short yet challenging 3-page paper assignment which analyzes the Japanese cultural concept of “wabi sabi” in the film Ikiru.
Please Include:
– A clear statement of purpose in the first paragraph
– One paragraph that explains the background of the film (citation)
– One paragraph that explains the film director (citation)
– One paragraph with the definition of wabi sabi with specific examples and citations
– With the included visual image of the chosen film, analyze the ways the scene is presented in detail and how it relates to wabi sabi
– Analyze the scene from the visual image with the included time stamp (Time Stamp: 1hr 54mins)
– Analysis needs to go “beyond the storyline” which means you need to pay attention to sound, facial expressions, color, movement, lighting, camera move, zoom in/out, appearance, etc.
– Include at least THREE references: The film DVD information and two more.
– Do not use “Mr.” or the first name of the director. Refer to the last name or the full name. Use director’s last name.
– Italicize the name of the film every time.
– Add header to every page on the right top corner with your last name & page number (Smith pg. #)
– Please follow the APA format style.
– Use Times New Roman 12 font in double-space.
– Use the following link to watch “Ikiru/To Live” (Play around with the sources until subtitles work)

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