Analytical Reading Journal 6 Prompt The module includes selections from aut

Analytical Reading Journal 6 Prompt
The module includes selections from autobiographical writings by indigenous Americans Zitkala-Ša (Yankton Dakota Sioux) and Sarah Winnemucca (Northern Paiute).
Review their writings and reflect on how indigenous American writers had to navigate a largely white readership in order to be published and enjoy a successful writing career.
What would you suggest is the purpose of Zitkala-Ša’s or Winnemucca’s writing and how do you think the reading audience of her time might have reacted to her work?
Please include at least one quotation from Zitkala-Ša or Winnemucca in your response of at least 250 words.
[Textbook sections about Zitkala-Ša are on page 394-5 and the excerpts from Sarah Winnemucca are on pages 396–401.]

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