Use the exact DEAL format as presented to complete this structured critical refl

Use the exact DEAL format as presented to complete this structured critical reflection paper. Critical thinking is expected throughout this reflection paper. You must use the most recent APA edition format, citing all sources, and include a reference page.
2. DESCRIBE a professional experience you have had with addiction. This should be a thick description of the experience (including, what, where, when, how, etc. as specifically and objectively as possible) inclusive of your feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about the individual, situation, and experience.
3. EXAMINE in detail the following questions. Remember that an examination means to inspect or scrutinize closely. We do this utilizing the intellectual standards of critical thinking. Discuss your response to the following, integrating academic content from readings and class discussion (Be sure to cite sources).
* What are the practice and policy themes and implications with regard to your experience?
* What are the implications for treatment?
* Are there any ethical concerns? If so, what are the implications of the ethical concerns?
III. ARTICULATE LEARNING: Respond to the following questions.
* What did I learn? About myself? About Addiction? What I thought I thought? Etc…
* How did I learn it? (Be specific. It is not sufficient to merely state, I reflected or wrote. Think about what it was with regard to the experience, conversation, reflection, etc… that prompted your learning.)
* Why does this learning matter? (personally and professionally)
* What will I do in the future, in light of this learning? (personally and professionally)  

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