Reading responses must be a minimum of (1) page long, and must not exceed (3) pa

Reading responses must be a minimum of (1) page long, and must not exceed (3) pages in length. Format as single-spaced using a 12-point font such as Helvetica or Arial.
Summarize the core concepts from the assigned readings, using quotations, where appropriate to demonstrate your understanding of the assigned text.
Present your personal insights on the topic of your choice. The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand and reflect on the course content, incorporating your own ideas for a better world of work.
Reading Assignment:
1. DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, Eds. Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management, 12th Edition, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2016. 126-148. Recruiting.
(Chapter 6: Recruiting)
2.  Stephenson, Rob, Host. “Advanced DE&I Training with Jenn Tardy.” Talk Talent
To Me, Hired, 28 October 2022.

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