Part 1: IN a separate document from the essay answer the following questions: Wh

Part 1: IN a separate document from the essay answer the following questions:
What topic do you intend to focus on and why for Project 1?
What specific areas do you plan to touch on? Try to discuss 3 main areas/subtopics for your main topic.
What secondary sources do you intend to cite and incorporate to further support your argument? Try to be specific.
Finally, what challenges (if any) do you foresee as you work on this essay?
Part 2: Outline for project (Separate document then essay)
Part 4: Essay Rough draft
Part 5: Complete essay with changes to rough draft
You will compose a short 5-page double-spaced essay analyzing a
subject related to digital communication (or something related to the evolution of
communication over time). In your analysis, you should focus on examining how various rhetorical
principles impact and shape your particular focus (i.e., audience, medium, message, etc.).
As you’re choosing your topic and crafting your analysis, try to incorporate or draw inspiration
from relevant course concepts including:
Primary orality
Secondary orality
Global village
“The medium is the message”
Digital media
Social media
Formatting & Requirements
Length – At least 5 pages (this does not include the Works Cited page)
Format – Typed, double-spaced, with a heading, appropriate title, and pages numbers
Citation style – MLA
Secondary sources – At least

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