1. Discussion: How to Avoid Mission Drift (Due 9/13) In general, what is the pur

1. Discussion: How to Avoid Mission Drift (Due 9/13) In general, what is the purpose of human services organizations? How would you help these types of organizations avoid mission drift? And what impact is there on Human Services professionals when there is mission drift in the organization that they work in? Please use both this week’s video and readings to answer these questions. Discussion posts must include references to Required Readings and videos. Your original post should be at least 250 words with relevant citations. 2. Assignment: Creating Your Own Mission Statement Create your own mission statement using the outline presented in this week’s resource, Developing a Personal Mission Statement based on The Path by Laurie Beth Jones. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA-formatted cover page, and references. 3.(Discussion) Applying Your Mission Statement (Due 9/13) After creating your mission statement, discuss how it will be applied in your professional experiences in the field of human services. How would you measure your ability to effectively implement your personal mission statement? Discussion posts must include references to Required Readings & Videos. Your original post should be at least 250 words with relevant citations. View the Discussion Board rubric before submitting. 4. Assignment: Personal Theory of Human Services Using Chapter 1 from the Theory and Practice in Human Services book, describe your personal theory of human services. Discuss how your courses at Springfield College have influenced your theory. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA-formatted cover page, and references. 5. Discussion: No More Band-Aids After reading the peer-reviewed article “No More Band-Aids” article, discuss how you would hit the reset button in human services by using the four (4) core operating principles discussed in the article. Then, you must create one (1) additional core operating principle that you would use in the reset. Discussion posts must include references to Required Readings & Videos. When you post to the Discussion Board, choose “Reply to Thread” below the instructor’s response. Your original post should be at least 250 words with relevant citations. View the Discussion Board rubric before submitting. You will be required to respond to at least 2 different classmates by Sunday. 6. Assignment: Mini Essay #1: Ethical Standards Select one portion of the NOHS Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals (Responsibility to: Clients, Public & Society, Colleagues, Employers, the Profession, or Students). Evaluate how your ethics align with the NOHS ethical standards. Discuss how you plan to implement these ethics in your personal and professional life. This assignment should not exceed three (3) pages in length, excluding cover and reference pages must be in APA format. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA-formatted cover page, and references. 7. Discussion: Ethical Standards Review the Responsibility to Self section on the NOHS Ethical Standards website. Then, develop an additional standard and provide a justification that supports why the additional standard is important for Human Services professionals. Discussion posts must include references to Required Readings and videos. Your original post should be at least 250 words with relevant citations. View the Discussion Board rubric before submitting.

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