Part 1: Textbook: Armstrong, L.J., & Schmidt, C.A. (2013). Great Afterschool Pro

Part 1:
Textbook: Armstrong, L.J., & Schmidt, C.A. (2013). Great Afterschool Programs and Spaces that Wow! St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. ISBN: 9781605541228
Chapter 5 discusses lesson plans, schedules and transitions. Each of these are helpful to plan in advance and be intentional when working with school age children. A challenge to doing this well is when working with a mixed age group of 5-12 years olds.
Answer the following questions in your post using the information you learned about Project Based Learning from the Edutopia resources (articles and video) located in the Week 4 module.
What is the advantage of project based learning? Can you use this approach with 5-12 year olds?
Come up with an example project the children can investigate. What are some themes, concepts, ideas that the children can do hands on learning with? Example plastic straws, have the children collect plastic straws and then let them create things with them. Talk about how straws are hurting the environment (do not use this example in your post).
Reminder: Points will be deducted for posts that have spelling/grammar errors.
Part 2
Kostelnik, M. J. (2019). Developmentally appropriate curriculum: Best practices in early childhood education (7th ed.). Pearson.
ISBN-10: 0134747674 ISBN-13: 978-0134747675
Part One: How do you feel about children in early childhood centers having “have-to” centers as described in the section labeled Creating and Using Learning Centers in the text? Would the specific age of the children in the classroom sway your opinion? Why or why not?
Part Two: Search the web for pictures of learning centers that you believe are set-up well. The learning center can be for any subject area/domain, but it must be designed for children ages 2-5. Upload one of the best photographs you found. Why do you think the learning center is set up well?

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