Part 1: In 3-5 sentences, the student will summarize, in his or her own words, t

Part 1: In 3-5 sentences, the student will summarize, in his or her own words, the main argument or arguments presented by the author in the assigned reading.
Part 2: In this section of the reading response, summaries will not be accepted for credit. The idea is to display your analytic (critical thinking) skills. Students may argue with the texts, connect them to personal experiences, or engage them in any other thoughtful but analytic way. By definition, the responses are informal and students are welcome to take intellectual and stylistic chances.]
• Students may or may not wish to consider any of the following questions when writing Part 2 of their informal responses: What questions did the readings raise for you? What resonated with you? How has this reading helped you to better understand an aspect of Russian/Soviet history? How has one reading affected your thinking about an earlier course reading or course themes/topics?

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