For this assignment, you will videotape yourself demonstrating a STEAM-related a

For this assignment, you will videotape yourself demonstrating a STEAM-related activity to enable student learning. Include a description of the activity to provide context and share with reviewers how it is related to STEAM. Make sure that you acknowledge students in the video, use prompts to engage students, get their attention, and check for understanding. Please keep the focus learner Ishaan from the movie Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth) in mind and ensure that he is part of the group you are teaching the activity.
1. Complete the assigned readings for this unit and review the rubric for this assignment.
2. The activity should be designed to include Ishaan from the movie
3. Your topic should integrate at least two areas of STEAM.
4. Design an age-appropriate activity that will allow students to learn about your topic.
5. Your video should begin with an introduction and you should provide reviewers with context and the content area that will be covered in the demonstration. The demonstration should focus on you teaching/demonstrating an activity. Include details about how students can be grouped, how many students can participate simultaneously, the average time the activity will take to complete, and how you can modify the activity so that it would all students to participate (gifted, average learners, struggling students, and those identified with a disability (please keep all categories in mind).
6. Close by identifying the skills/concepts students are likely to build as a result of completing the activity, and how those skills/concepts can be integrated into the classroom.
7. Make sure that the activity and strategies include evidence-based practices. Make sure to include citations.
For example, you could videotape yourself teaching a group of students how to make a paper airplane. You could then connect it to different concepts of STEAM that are included. Keep in mind Ishaan and how you can include his strengths to make the activity engaging for all.

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