Please help me answer to two peers. PEER #1 ALLISON: Hello class, The incident

Please help me answer to two peers.
PEER #1 ALLISON: Hello class,
The incident I will be discussing is the bombing at the Manchester Arena during Ariana Grande’s concert. I chose this event The event began before even occurring at the arena by Salman Abedi, the man who bombed the arena was an individual who the MI5, a security service, kept their eye on for a while until they considered him to be low-risk (Radde, 2023). Unfortunately, there were not many resources that were deployed for this incident. The outcome of this tragedy, left twenty-two people dead and over 100 individuals injured, the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Program was made to guarantee the rescue of individuals by collaborating with other emergency services as well (Gates, 2022). However, it was evidenced by those who were injured and waiting for help to arrive, when hearing the sirens arrive, they were greeted with a small number of rescuers that were not able to aid everyone (Gates, 2022). Sadly, there were many unsuccessful incidents that worsened the incident, including the communication between the emergency services team was inadequate and the audio was not stable, as well with the people inside the arena did not have the basic medical knowledge and were not able to assist those who were injured until the medical team arrived, as well as the ambulances not arriving to the correct location which made the waiting time longer for the injured people, resulting in stressed individuals (Gates, 2022). Ways to improve the response to this type of incident in the future are to ensure there is proper communication, audio, and visual between the emergency services, having police officers patrol the area before the concert ends and after the concert ends, as well as alerting the authorities for any danger noted, since Abedi appeared to be a threat to the people but was later deemed a low-risk person, it left others in danger (Raddle, 2023).
PEER2 MARIA: A disaster is defined by Veenema (2008, p. 7) as an “occurrence that causes human suffering and creates human needs that victims cannot alleviate without assistance.”. Furthermore, a disaster refers to “catastrophic events that result in casualties that overwhelm the healthcare resources of the community involved” (Veenema, 2008, p. 7). The disaster I would like to discuss is that of the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. The bombing was planned by two brothers who detonated two pressure cooker bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, which resulted in 281 injuries and 3 fatalities (Gates et al., 2014). About 67% of the victims suffered lower extremity soft tissue and bony injuries, 31 had hemorrhaging, 12 victims required amputation, and 54 required emergency surgical intervention (Gates et al., 2014). The Boston marathon bombing is considered a domestic act of terrorism as this was a deliberate and planned attack. Veenema (2008, p. 10) states that this event would fall under the category of a mass casualty event, a man-made disaster that is categorized as a complex emergency, which is defined as situations where populations suffer significant casualties because of war, civil strife, or other political conflict.
The resources that were deployed for this disaster was multifold. Gates et al., (2014) explain that emergency medical services including ambulances and medical personnel were called to the scene to provide immediate care for those injured. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies that included the Boston Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Massachusetts State Police were also called out to manage the scene, do investigations, and help. Paramedics, firefighters, and other medical professionals arrived, and local hospitals and medical facilities were prepared to take care of the victims (Gates et al., 2014).
According to Gates et al., (2014), the outcome of the disaster was excellent due to adequate preparation, rapid logistical responses, short transportation times, quick access to operating rooms, and proficient multidisciplinary care executed by medical professionals. The Boston Athletic Association, Boston EMS, and Boston health care community already planned and drilled for mass casualty incidents for many years, and on that day a temporary medical tent was already erected at the finish line that could provide care for up to 2500 people (Gates et al., 2014). This was a protocol that made a huge difference in the success of the response process. Inside this tent were doctors, paramedics, nurses, physical therapists, and other helpers to provide any medical care.
The response of the rescue teams were quick, efficient, and coordinated. This led to lower mortality rate and the percentage of severely injured patients was much less compared to other terrorist bombings (Gates et al., 2014). In the trauma centers, the senior surgeons collaborated well with emergency medicine leaders in the triage of the trauma patients, which allowed proper prioritization to occur and there was immediate communication with surgical subspecialties, anesthesia, and operating rooms (Gates et al., 2014).
One way to improve the response to a possible future attack is presented by Gates et al., (2014) when they recommend that all health care facilities perform a gap analysis on the current disaster plans in place. Gates et al., (2014) state that this can minimize morbidity and mortality in the next mass casualty event, as it is “virtually impossible to predict the nature and location of the next event.” There is also a suggestion to continue to reevaluate, train, and prepare for these types of incidents, and that continued collaborate to identify best practices around the world will provide a more successful outcome (Gates et al., 2014). It is very difficult to predict when or where the next act of terrorism could occur that would cause mass casualty, but organizations can do their due diligence to prepare for these events as best as they could to ensure that if and when it does occur, that they are as prepared as they could possibly be.

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