Re-read the articles by scholar Stephanie Forward on the characteristics of Roma

Re-read the articles by scholar Stephanie Forward on the characteristics of Romanticism. Choose one characteristic, and in apply it to three literary works we have read so far, which must include one of the two novels (Frankenstein or Persuasion). You will provide close readings of three literary works to demonstrate how each one embodies the characteristic of Romanticism that you’ve chosen to focus on.
Length: Five full-length paragraphs (1,000 to 1,500 words).
Sources: Your only sources for this paper will be the primary and secondary works from our Learning Resources. No other sources may be used.
Structure of the Paper
Here is how your paper should be structured:
Explain the characteristic of Romanticism from Forward’s article that you chose. (Choose from one below.)
The Imagination
The Marginalized and the Oppressed
Children, Nature and the Sublime
The Gothic
Be sure to reference and cite Forward’s article in your introduction. At the end of the introduction, state a thesis that gives an overview of the focus of your paper.
The body of your paper will have three paragraphs. Please consider the three works you chose in chronological order. Provide a close reading of each work (one work per body paragraph) to show how it exemplifies the characteristic of Romanticism that you chose.
Return to your thesis and reflect on its further implications. What has your examination of these three works demonstrated about Romanticism?
Be sure to give the paper a title that reflects its focus. Include a Works Cited page where you cite Forward’s article and the literary works you discussed. No other sources should be used for this paper.
Resources for the paper (Forward) (Coleridge) (Keats) (Shelley)

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