This essay requires three components: Component 1: Both the Universal Declaratio

This essay requires three components:
Component 1:
Both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child list education as a fundamental human right. Discuss whether the United States has fulfilled these rights for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers. Briefly discuss how the UN documents conceive of the right to an education and consider concepts such as equality vs. equity, social reproduction theory and aspirations/expectations.
Component 2:
Toward the end of Ain’t No Makin’ It, MacLeod used the phrase “pushed into jumping” when referring to the choices that some of the young men made. Considering the topics and materials from Weeks 3 and 4 (e.g., financial limitations, segregation, suspensions, drop-outs, subtractive schooling, silencing and school climate), do you agree or disagree with this phrase?
Component 3:
If a student is failing at any point in the process, what steps could/should educators and others take to ensure the student stays in school and why?
Before writing your essay, please review these guidelines:
General Expectations
This essay does not need to have a title page or abstract, but it DOES need to have: your name, a title, and date.
The essay should be between 1000-1500 words, approximately 4-5 pages (not counting the reference page).
Be sure to use at least 4 of the readings from Module 1 – Module 4 as evidence.
Use 12-point type (Times New Roman or Arial), double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Insert page numbers and follow the conventions of formal writing as well as APA formatting. Links to an external site.
Essays DO need to include headings, in-text citations and a separate reference page.
Will attach sources.

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