Single space text using Arial 12-point font, double space between paragraphs. Th

Single space text using Arial 12-point font, double space between paragraphs.
The review should consist of three paragraphs, one each for the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.
One-inch margin all around.
Use the header line to provide space for your name, course, and the reflection number.

I imagine your next question is, with what do you want me to fill all that space? Here is what I am looking for:

Your introduction should briefly mention the week’s study topic and provide a short definition of the subject or issues. Mention also any videos watched that you did and give some information about them.
The reflection’s body should delve into the week’s subject and provide evidence that you understand the material. You should list the main points learned this week and discuss any questions about the material.
Your conclusion brings the content to life and shows that you can apply it to an actual business setting.

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