Theory: Apply appropriate strategies using a theoretical and philosophical frame

Theory: Apply appropriate strategies using a theoretical and philosophical framework built on the values of the human services profession.
Critical Thinking: Analyze the scope of populations served and appropriate methods of service delivery.
Application: Apply skills, strategies, and knowledge related to design, implementation, and evaluation of human services programs.
Program Design
For the second part of your project, you will design the specific interventions for your proposed program.
Proposed Intervention, Purpose, and Objectives (one page)
Identify and describe at least three interventions for your program and the purpose and objective of each intervention. (Note: This part of your paper relates to the Unit 4 Discussion.)
Application of Research or Theoretical Perspective Guiding the Intervention Proposed (one page).
1st Intervention-Safe Housing and Emergency Shelter Program
2nd Intervention-Intensive In-Home Services for Intact Families
3rd Intervention-Strengthening Financial Resources for DCFS
In this section, you will address how the research and your theoretical perspective matches with the program interventions.
Identify and describe at least one theoretical perspective that guides the intervention you have chosen for your program. Explain this theoretical perspective from our research, your rationale for choosing it, and how the interventions support this theoretical perspective.
Correcting the problem from a micro, mezzo, and/or macro perspective (one page).
Analyze and apply how the program addresses or corrects the problem from the micro, mezzo, and/or macro systems. (Note: This part is related to the Unit 5 Discussion.)
Funding the intervention (half page)
Explain how the program will be funded, including who will fund it and any obstacles to funding. Describe in as much detail as possible, supported by research, funding, and business plan components.
Plan for implementation: timelines, phases, and at least three projected actual results/outcomes (half page)
Identify the timeline for implementing the program design, including the phases of program development.
Last, describe at least three projected results and outcomes of your program. (Note: The funding and plan for intervention parts relate to the Unit 6 Discussion.)
Include a minimum of four scholarly academic references from the Purdue University Global Library.

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