Racial profiling is an issue that law enforcement has been working to avoid for

Racial profiling is an issue that law enforcement has been working to avoid for many years. Afte reviewing the video below and the MN POST Board Model Policy on Racial Profiling (also linked below), discuss the following points/questions in a 2-3 page paper. The paper should also include at least two peer-reviewed resources.
Discuss at least 3 ways that the MN POST Board Model Policy could be incorporated in to aspects discussed in the video and law enforcement agencies to prevent and ensure officers and not engaging in racial profiling.
Discuss what minimum legal standard must be met to conduct a traffic stop. To justify the reason for the stop, an officer needs to articulate and document why the stop took place. Why is this important aspect of law enforcement as it relates to racial profiling?
Based on information in the video, policy, and additional research (at least two scholarly sources must be incorporated), what is critical to obtaining public trust and how can this be influenced through the prevention of racial profiling?
What can law enforcement agencies implement to prevent and ensure that officers are not engaging in racial profiling? (Discuss at least three possibilities)
Discuss what minimum legal standard must be met to conduct a traffic stop. To justify the reason for the stop, an officer needs to articulate and document why the stop took place. Why is this important aspect of law enforcement as it relates to racial profiling?
According to the video, what is critical to obtaining public trust?
Here is the link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sNYnsOM9b-jWdvqDivhzMsxdPyY9Fm6B/view?usp=sharing

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