Students are required to produce a portfolio which should contain the following

Students are required to produce a portfolio which should contain the following components:
– A well written personal statement in support of an application for a volunteer/work experience placement.
– A CV highlighting personal skills which are relevant to the post in view
– Action plan tailored towards skills development
Assessment Structure
As a guide, an indicative structure of the Portfolio could be as follows:
Section A:
– A brief introduction to indicate what the portfolio contains and the reason for both the personal statement and the CV that will be presented.
– You may also want to consider writing a short overview of the chosen organization in a bid to justify your peculiar interests in working in such a place.
Section B:
– Personal statement in support of your application for a volunteer/work experience placement in any organization of your choice.
– A detailed CV that has been carefully designed to fit purpose.
Section C:
– Self-assessment reflecting skill gaps (SWOT Analysis inclusive)
– Action plan tailored towards your skill development (reflecting SMART objectives)

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