GOALS AND CAREERS 1. List (5) academic goals for this year. 2. List (5) careers

1. List (5) academic goals for this year.
2. List (5) careers that you are interested in after high school.
3. List (3) 4-year colleges you are interested in applying for.
4. What are the requirements to be accepted in these colleges?
5. How do you plan on paying for college?
6. List (2) majors you are interested in researching for college.
7. List (2) non degree/trades you can learn after high school.
8. (2) Community Colleges, Trade Schools you are interested in attending that offer training in these trades or jobs you like.
Examples (FSCJ, Aveda Institute)
9. What branch of the military would you join if all else fails if not why not?

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